

War operations involving destruction of aircraft due to enemy fire or explosives

Children (8)
Y36.110War operations involving destruction of aircraft due to enemy fire or explosives, military personnel
Y36.110AWar operations involving destruction of aircraft due to enemy fire or explosives, military personnel, initial encounter
Y36.110DWar operations involving destruction of aircraft due to enemy fire or explosives, military personnel, subsequent encounter
Y36.110SWar operations involving destruction of aircraft due to enemy fire or explosives, military personnel, sequela
Y36.111War operations involving destruction of aircraft due to enemy fire or explosives, civilian
Y36.111AWar operations involving destruction of aircraft due to enemy fire or explosives, civilian, initial encounter
Y36.111DWar operations involving destruction of aircraft due to enemy fire or explosives, civilian, subsequent encounter
Y36.111SWar operations involving destruction of aircraft due to enemy fire or explosives, civilian, sequela

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