

Pedestrian on standing micro-mobility pedestrian conveyance injured in collision with pedal cycle in nontraffic accident

Children (8)
V01.031Pedestrian on standing electric scooter injured in collision with pedal cycle in nontraffic accident
V01.031APedestrian on standing electric scooter injured in collision with pedal cycle in nontraffic accident, initial encounter
V01.031DPedestrian on standing electric scooter injured in collision with pedal cycle in nontraffic accident, subsequent encounter
V01.031SPedestrian on standing electric scooter injured in collision with pedal cycle in nontraffic accident, sequela
V01.038Pedestrian on other standing micro-mobility pedestrian conveyance injured in collision with pedal cycle in nontraffic accident
V01.038APedestrian on other standing micro-mobility pedestrian conveyance injured in collision with pedal cycle in nontraffic accident, initial encounter
V01.038DPedestrian on other standing micro-mobility pedestrian conveyance injured in collision with pedal cycle in nontraffic accident, subsequent encounter
V01.038SPedestrian on other standing micro-mobility pedestrian conveyance injured in collision with pedal cycle in nontraffic accident, sequela

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