

Laceration without foreign body of finger without damage to nail

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Glossary entries related to this code
Children (40)
S61.210Laceration without foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail
S61.210ALaceration without foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.210DLaceration without foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.210SLaceration without foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.211Laceration without foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail
S61.211ALaceration without foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.211DLaceration without foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.211SLaceration without foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.212Laceration without foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail
S61.212ALaceration without foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter

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