tubercle (bone)

Wikipedia Summary

In the skeleton of humans and other animals, a tubercle, tuberosity or apophysis is a protrusion or eminence that serves as an attachment for skeletal muscles. The muscles attach by tendons, where the enthesis is the connective tissue between the tendon and bone...
Related Codes (72)
S82.154NNondisplaced fracture of right tibial tuberosity, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.156SNondisplaced fracture of unspecified tibial tuberosity, sequela
S92.031Displaced avulsion fracture of tuberosity of right calcaneus
S92.031ADisplaced avulsion fracture of tuberosity of right calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S92.031PDisplaced avulsion fracture of tuberosity of right calcaneus, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S92.031SDisplaced avulsion fracture of tuberosity of right calcaneus, sequela
S92.032Displaced avulsion fracture of tuberosity of left calcaneus
S92.032ADisplaced avulsion fracture of tuberosity of left calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S92.032SDisplaced avulsion fracture of tuberosity of left calcaneus, sequela
S92.033ADisplaced avulsion fracture of tuberosity of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture

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