torus fracture

Wikipedia Summary

A Torus fracture, also known as a buckle fracture is the most common fracture in children. It is a common occurrence following a fall, as the wrist absorbs most of the impact and compresses the bony cortex on one side and remains intact on the other, creating a bulging effect...
Related Codes (242)
S42.27Torus fracture of upper end of humerus
S42.271Torus fracture of upper end of right humerus
S42.271ATorus fracture of upper end of right humerus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S42.271DTorus fracture of upper end of right humerus, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S42.271GTorus fracture of upper end of right humerus, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S42.271KTorus fracture of upper end of right humerus, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S42.271PTorus fracture of upper end of right humerus, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S42.271STorus fracture of upper end of right humerus, sequela
S42.272Torus fracture of upper end of left humerus
S42.272ATorus fracture of upper end of left humerus, initial encounter for closed fracture

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