thyroid hormones

Wikipedia Summary

Thyroid hormones are two hormones produced and released by the thyroid gland, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). They are tyrosine-based hormones that are primarily responsible for regulation of metabolism...
Related Codes (23)
T38.1Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of thyroid hormones and substitutes
T38.1XPoisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of thyroid hormones and substitutes
T38.1X1Poisoning by thyroid hormones and substitutes, accidental (unintentional)
T38.1X1APoisoning by thyroid hormones and substitutes, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T38.1X1DPoisoning by thyroid hormones and substitutes, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T38.1X2Poisoning by thyroid hormones and substitutes, intentional self-harm
T38.1X2APoisoning by thyroid hormones and substitutes, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T38.1X2DPoisoning by thyroid hormones and substitutes, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T38.1X2SPoisoning by thyroid hormones and substitutes, intentional self-harm, sequela
T38.1X3Poisoning by thyroid hormones and substitutes, assault

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