superior vena cava

Wikipedia Summary

The superior vena cava (SVC) is the superior of the two venae cavae, the great venous trunks that return deoxygenated blood from the systemic circulation to the right atrium of the heart. It is a large-diameter (24 mm) short length vein that receives venous return from the upper half of the body, above the diaphragm...
Related Codes (18)
I82.21Embolism and thrombosis of superior vena cava
I82.210Acute embolism and thrombosis of superior vena cava
I82.211Chronic embolism and thrombosis of superior vena cava
Q26.1Persistent left superior vena cava
S25.2Injury of superior vena cava
S25.21Minor laceration of superior vena cava
S25.21XAMinor laceration of superior vena cava, initial encounter
S25.21XDMinor laceration of superior vena cava, subsequent encounter
S25.21XSMinor laceration of superior vena cava, sequela
S25.22Major laceration of superior vena cava

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