rheumatic fever

Medical Definition

Febrile disease occurring as a delayed sequela of infections with group a hemolytic streptococci and characterized by multiple focal inflammatory lesions of the connective tissue structures, especially of the heart, blood vessels, and joints (polyarthritis), and by the presence of aschoff bodies in the myocardium and skin.

Wikipedia Summary

Rheumatic fever (RF) is an inflammatory disease that can involve the heart, joints, skin, and brain. The disease typically develops two to four weeks after a streptococcal throat infection...
Related Codes (9)
I00-I02Acute rheumatic fever (I00-I02)
I01.2Acute rheumatic myocarditis
I00Rheumatic fever without heart involvement
Type 1 Excludes (1)
I01Rheumatic fever with heart involvement
Type 1 Excludes (1)
I01.1Acute rheumatic endocarditis
I02Rheumatic chorea
Type 1 Excludes (2)
I09.0Rheumatic myocarditis
Type 1 Excludes (1)
I07.8Other rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases
I08.8Other rheumatic multiple valve diseases

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