pulmonary hemorrhage

Medical Definition

Pulmonary hemorrhage is a bleeding within the lungs. older children and adults may spit blood or bloody sputum. neonates, infants and young children usually do not spit up blood. anemia, pulmonary infiltrates, increasingling bloody return on bal and the presence of hemosiderin-laden macrophages in broncho-alveolar lavage (bal) fluid or lung biopsy can diagnose lung bleeding. alveolar macrophages contain phagocytosed red blood cells and stain positive for hemosiderin, a product of hemoglobin degradation, after about 48-72 hours following pulmonary hemorraghe. previous or recurrent bleeding can thus be distinguished from fresh events. a differentiation into local or diffuse is of importance. also differentiate if pulmonary hemorrhage is due to a primary lung disorder or a manifestation of a systemic disease. [pmid:16473816]

Wikipedia Summary

Pulmonary hemorrhage (or pulmonary haemorrhage) is an acute bleeding from the lung, from the upper respiratory tract and the trachea, and the pulmonary alveoli. When evident clinically, the condition is usually massive...
Related Codes (5)
P26Pulmonary hemorrhage originating in the perinatal period
Type 1 Excludes (1)
P26.1Massive pulmonary hemorrhage originating in the perinatal period
P26.8Other pulmonary hemorrhages originating in the perinatal period
P26.9Unspecified pulmonary hemorrhage originating in the perinatal period
R04.89Hemorrhage from other sites in respiratory passages

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