noonan syndrome

Medical Definition

A genetically heterogeneous, multifaceted disorder characterized by short stature, webbed neck, ptosis, skeletal malformations, hypertelorism, hormonal imbalance, cryptorchidism, multiple cardiac abnormalities (most commonly including pulmonary valve stenosis), and some degree of intellectual disability. the phenotype bears similarities to that of turner syndrome that occurs only in females and has its basis in a 45, x karyotype abnormality. noonan syndrome occurs in both males and females with a normal karyotype (46,xx and 46,xy). mutations in a several genes (ptpn11, kras, sos1, nf1 and raf1) have been associated the ns phenotype. mutations in ptpn11 are the most common. leopard syndrome, a disorder that has clinical features overlapping those of noonan syndrome, is also due to mutations in ptpn11. in addition, there is overlap with the syndrome called neurofibromatosis-noonan syndrome due to mutations in nf1.
Related Codes (1)
Q87.19Other congenital malformation syndromes predominantly associated with short stature

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