necrotizing enterocolitis

Medical Definition

Extensive ulceration and necrosis of the ileum and colon in premature infants in the neonatal period; possibly due to perinatal intestinal ischemia and bacterial invasion.

Wikipedia Summary

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an intestinal disease that affects premature or very low birth weight infants. Symptoms may include poor feeding, bloating, decreased activity, blood in the stool, vomiting of bile, multi-organ failure, and potentially death. The exact cause is unclear...
Related Codes (10)
K55.3Necrotizing enterocolitis
Type 1 Excludes (1)Type 2 Excludes (1)
K55.30Necrotizing enterocolitis, unspecified
K55.32Stage 2 necrotizing enterocolitis
K55.33Stage 3 necrotizing enterocolitis
P77Necrotizing enterocolitis of newborn
P77.2Stage 2 necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn
P77.3Stage 3 necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn
P77.9Necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn, unspecified
K55.31Stage 1 necrotizing enterocolitis
P77.1Stage 1 necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn

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