
Wikipedia Summary

A mother is the female parent of a child. A woman may be considered a mother by virtue of having given birth, by raising a child who may or may not be her biological offspring, or by supplying her ovum for fertilisation in the case of gestational surrogacy. A biological mother is the female genetic contributor to the creation of the infant, through sexual intercourse or egg donation...
Related Codes (21)
O26.50Maternal hypotension syndrome, unspecified trimester
P00.2Newborn affected by maternal infectious and parasitic diseases
Type 1 Excludes (1)Type 2 Excludes (2)
P00.82Newborn affected by (positive) maternal group B streptococcus (GBS) colonization
P04.11Newborn affected by maternal antineoplastic chemotherapy
P04.12Newborn affected by maternal cytotoxic drugs
P04.15Newborn affected by maternal use of antidepressants
P04.16Newborn affected by maternal use of amphetamines
P04.17Newborn affected by maternal use of sedative-hypnotics
P04.1ANewborn affected by maternal use of anxiolytics
P04.4Newborn affected by maternal use of drugs of addiction

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