monostotic fibrous dysplasia

Medical Definition

Fibrous dysplasia presenting as a single bone lesion.

Wikipedia Summary

Monostotic fibrous dysplasia is a form of fibrous dysplasia where only one bone is involved. It comprises a majority of the cases of fibrous dysplasia (approximately 70–80%). It is a rare bone disease characterized by the replacement of normal elements of the bone by fibrous connective tissue, which can cause very painful swellings and bone deformities, and make bone abnormally fragile and prone to fracture. A congenital, noninherited, benign anomaly of bone development in a single bone, it consists of the replacement of normal marrow and cancellous bone by immature bone with fibrous stroma...
Related Codes (29)
M85.0Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic)
Type 2 Excludes (1)
M85.00Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic), unspecified site
M85.011Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic), right shoulder
M85.012Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic), left shoulder
M85.019Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic), unspecified shoulder
M85.02Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic), upper arm
M85.021Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic), right upper arm
M85.029Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic), unspecified upper arm
M85.031Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic), right forearm
M85.04Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic), hand

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