intermittency (disambiguation)

Wikipedia Summary

Intermittency is a behavior of dynamical systems: regular alternation of phases of apparently periodic and chaotic dynamics. Intermittent or intermittency may also refer to: Intermittent river or stream, the one that ceases to flow every year or at least twice every five years Intermittent energy source, renewable energy sources that are not dispatchable due to their fluctuating nature Intermittent fault, malfunction of a device or system that occurs at intervals, usually irregular Fluorescence intermittency, or blinking, is random switching between ON (bright) and OFF (dark) states Intermittent control, possibilities between the two extremes of continuous-time and discrete-time control: the control signal .
Related Codes (14)
H05.252Intermittent exophthalmos, left eye
H05.253Intermittent exophthalmos, bilateral
H05.259Intermittent exophthalmos, unspecified eye
H40.23Intermittent angle-closure glaucoma
H50.30Unspecified intermittent heterotropia
J45.2Mild intermittent asthma
J45.20Mild intermittent asthma, uncomplicated
M12.412Intermittent hydrarthrosis, left shoulder
M12.421Intermittent hydrarthrosis, right elbow
M12.431Intermittent hydrarthrosis, right wrist

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