head of radius

Wikipedia Summary

The head of the radius has a cylindrical form, and on its upper surface is a shallow cup or fovea for articulation with the capitulum of the humerus. The circumference of the head is smooth; it is broad medially where it articulates with the radial notch of the ulna, narrow in the rest of its extent, which is embraced by the annular ligament..
Related Codes (138)
S52.121Displaced fracture of head of right radius
S52.121ADisplaced fracture of head of right radius, initial encounter for closed fracture
S52.121BDisplaced fracture of head of right radius, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S52.121CDisplaced fracture of head of right radius, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S52.121DDisplaced fracture of head of right radius, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S52.121EDisplaced fracture of head of right radius, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S52.121FDisplaced fracture of head of right radius, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S52.121GDisplaced fracture of head of right radius, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S52.121HDisplaced fracture of head of right radius, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S52.121KDisplaced fracture of head of right radius, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion

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