flail chest

Wikipedia Summary

Flail chest is a life-threatening medical condition that occurs when a segment of the rib cage breaks due to trauma and becomes detached from the rest of the chest wall. Two of the symptoms of flail chest are chest pain and shortness of breath. It occurs when multiple adjacent ribs are broken in multiple places, separating a segment, so a part of the chest wall moves independently...
Related Codes (8)
M96.A4Flail chest associated with chest compression and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
S22.5Flail chest
S22.5XXAFlail chest, initial encounter for closed fracture
S22.5XXBFlail chest, initial encounter for open fracture
S22.5XXDFlail chest, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S22.5XXGFlail chest, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S22.5XXKFlail chest, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S22.5XXSFlail chest, sequela

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