
Medical Definition

Abnormal elevation of body temperature, usually as a result of a pathologic process.

Wikipedia Summary

Fever or pyrexia in humans is a symptom of an anti-infection defense mechanism that appears with body temperature exceeding the normal range due to an increase in the body's temperature set point in the hypothalamus. There is no single agreed-upon upper limit for normal temperature: sources use values ranging between 37.2 and 38.3 °C (99.0 and 100.9 °F) in humans. The increase in set point triggers increased muscle contractions and causes a feeling of cold or chills...
Related Codes (14)
A38Scarlet fever
Type 2 Excludes (1)
A75Typhus fever
Type 1 Excludes (1)
A75.9Typhus fever, unspecified
M06.1Adult-onset Still's disease
Type 1 Excludes (1)
R50Fever of other and unknown origin
Type 1 Excludes (7)
R50.81Fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere
R50.83Postvaccination fever
R50.9Fever, unspecified
R56.0Febrile convulsions
R68.83Chills (without fever)
Type 1 Excludes (1)

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