factitious disorder

Wikipedia Summary

A factitious disorder is a mental disorder in which a person, without a malingering motive, acts as if they have an illness by deliberately producing, feigning, or exaggerating symptoms, purely to attain (for themselves or for another) a patient's role. People with a factitious disorder may produce symptoms by contaminating urine samples, taking hallucinogens, injecting fecal material to produce abscesses, and similar behaviour...
Related Codes (8)
E05.4Thyrotoxicosis factitia
E05.40Thyrotoxicosis factitia without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
F68.1Factitious disorder imposed on self
Type 2 Excludes (2)
F68.10Factitious disorder imposed on self, unspecified
F68.11Factitious disorder imposed on self, with predominantly psychological signs and symptoms
F68.12Factitious disorder imposed on self, with predominantly physical signs and symptoms
F68.13Factitious disorder imposed on self, with combined psychological and physical signs and symptoms
F68.AFactitious disorder imposed on another

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