
Medical Definition

Damage inflicted on any part of an organism as the direct or indirect result of exposure to steam, chemicals, heat, flame, electricity or the like, with or without disruption of structural continuity; for burns due to overexposure to the sun use sunburn.

Wikipedia Summary

A burn is an injury to skin, or other tissues, caused by heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, friction, or ionizing radiation (such as sunburn, caused by ultraviolet radiation). Most burns are due to heat from hot liquids (called scalding), solids, or fire...
Related Codes (1874)
L55.0Sunburn of first degree
T20.511ACorrosion of first degree of right ear [any part, except ear drum], initial encounter
T22.129SBurn of first degree of unspecified elbow, sequela
T22.531Corrosion of first degree of right upper arm
T22.531DCorrosion of first degree of right upper arm, subsequent encounter
T23.551ACorrosion of first degree of right palm, initial encounter
T23.569Corrosion of first degree of back of unspecified hand
T24.1Burn of first degree of lower limb, except ankle and foot
Additional Codes (1)
T24.139DBurn of first degree of unspecified lower leg, subsequent encounter
T25.132DBurn of first degree of left toe(s) (nail), subsequent encounter

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