brown-séquard syndrome

Wikipedia Summary

Brown-Séquard syndrome (also known as Brown-Séquard's hemiplegia, Brown-Séquard's paralysis, hemiparaplegic syndrome, hemiplegia et hemiparaplegia spinalis, or spinal hemiparaplegia) is caused by damage to one half of the spinal cord, i.e. hemisection of the spinal cord resulting in paralysis and loss of proprioception on the same (or ipsilateral) side as the injury or lesion, and loss of pain and temperature sensation on the opposite (or contralateral) side as the lesion...
Related Codes (59)
G83.81Brown-Séquard syndrome
S14.14Brown-Séquard syndrome of cervical spinal cord
S14.141Brown-Séquard syndrome at C1 level of cervical spinal cord
S14.141ABrown-Séquard syndrome at C1 level of cervical spinal cord, initial encounter
S14.141DBrown-Séquard syndrome at C1 level of cervical spinal cord, subsequent encounter
S14.141SBrown-Séquard syndrome at C1 level of cervical spinal cord, sequela
S14.142Brown-Séquard syndrome at C2 level of cervical spinal cord
S14.142ABrown-Séquard syndrome at C2 level of cervical spinal cord, initial encounter
S14.142DBrown-Séquard syndrome at C2 level of cervical spinal cord, subsequent encounter
S14.142SBrown-Séquard syndrome at C2 level of cervical spinal cord, sequela

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