bowman's layer

Wikipedia Summary

The Bowman's layer (Bowman's membrane, anterior limiting lamina, anterior elastic lamina) is a smooth, acellular, nonregenerating layer, located between the superficial epithelium and the stroma in the cornea of the eye. It is composed of strong, randomly oriented collagen fibrils in which the smooth anterior surface faces the epithelial basement membrane and the posterior surface merges with the collagen lamellae of the corneal stroma proper. In adult humans, Bowman's layer is 8-12 μm thick...
Related Codes (4)
H18.31Folds and rupture in Bowman's membrane
H18.311Folds and rupture in Bowman's membrane, right eye
H18.312Folds and rupture in Bowman's membrane, left eye
H18.319Folds and rupture in Bowman's membrane, unspecified eye

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