atlas (anatomy)

Wikipedia Summary

In anatomy, the atlas (C1) is the most superior (first) cervical vertebra of the spine and is located in the neck. The bone is named for Atlas of Greek mythology, just as Atlas bore the weight of the heavens, the first cervical vertebra supports the head...
Related Codes (19)
S12.001AUnspecified nondisplaced fracture of first cervical vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture
S12.04Lateral mass fracture of first cervical vertebra
S12.041SNondisplaced lateral mass fracture of first cervical vertebra, sequela
S12.090DOther displaced fracture of first cervical vertebra, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S12.090GOther displaced fracture of first cervical vertebra, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S12.030Displaced posterior arch fracture of first cervical vertebra
S12.030ADisplaced posterior arch fracture of first cervical vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture
S12.030DDisplaced posterior arch fracture of first cervical vertebra, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S12.030KDisplaced posterior arch fracture of first cervical vertebra, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S12.031Nondisplaced posterior arch fracture of first cervical vertebra

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