

Disruption of internal operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified

Children (16)
T81.320Disruption or dehiscence of gastrointestinal tract anastomosis, repair, or closure
T81.320ADisruption or dehiscence of gastrointestinal tract anastomosis, repair, or closure, initial encounter
T81.320DDisruption or dehiscence of gastrointestinal tract anastomosis, repair, or closure, subsequent encounter
T81.320SDisruption or dehiscence of gastrointestinal tract anastomosis, repair, or closure, sequela
T81.321Disruption or dehiscence of closure of internal operation (surgical) wound of abdominal wall muscle or fascia
T81.321ADisruption or dehiscence of closure of internal operation (surgical) wound of abdominal wall muscle or fascia, initial encounter
T81.321DDisruption or dehiscence of closure of internal operation (surgical) wound of abdominal wall muscle or fascia, subsequent encounter
T81.321SDisruption or dehiscence of closure of internal operation (surgical) wound of abdominal wall muscle or fascia, sequela
T81.328Disruption or dehiscence of closure of other specified internal operation (surgical) wound
T81.328ADisruption or dehiscence of closure of other specified internal operation (surgical) wound, initial encounter

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