

Laceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis

Related Medical Terms
Glossary entries related to this code
Children (8)
S31.020Laceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum
S31.020ALaceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.020DLaceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, subsequent encounter
S31.020SLaceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, sequela
S31.021Laceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum
S31.021ALaceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.021DLaceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, subsequent encounter
S31.021SLaceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, sequela

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